
I will find a way to help. But give me a moment. I’m thinking.

I’m thinking about all the things that are wrong with the world, and how to fix them.

Clicking like, share, silently crying as we scroll through updates – it’s not enough. Awareness is not enough. We need to do more.

Just a little more – without quitting our jobs, endangering our families, retaliating with violence, setting ourselves on fire, and all of the other nonsense that humans do, when we go overboard without thinking. Small actions. Every one of us.

Meanwhile – you think too.

Then we can work together.

thinking profile-01



I create documentaries to connect those who need help with others who might be able to do so.
I want to do more – but this is what I can do that makes a difference. If you’d like to support it, visit Patreon for The Invisible Obstacles series. If you have any other ideas – leave a comment.





